What Lies Are You Telling Yourself Regarding Your Health?
Several people I know have not had a checkup at the doctor’s office in years. They have no idea what the state of their health is and yet, they say they are perfectly fine. Now, I’m not advocating going to see a doctor. If you’re in pretty good health, you don’t really need to. The problem I see with most people are that they are simply lying about their health and fitness.
Many of them are obese too. This includes some of my family members back in the Ozarks. What may not show, especially when one is young, will end up manifesting itself later in life. Low level inflammation will seethe for years, creating havoc over one’s body, like a slow death.
Eventually systems will start to break down. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, loss of cognitive function (including Alzheimer’s disease) and other systemic issues arise. One day you appear to be healthy and the next day you’re in the hospital having suffered a stroke.
Making the right lifestyle choices will help to slow or eliminate many health problems. Knowing where you’re at is important as well. Getting blood work that includes testing for inflammation is critical. Insist on it.
Mostly, be truthful to yourself. If you really want to be youthful and vibrant your whole life, then make the right lifestyle choices that will ensure that. Old age is not the reason why many people don’t want to live past 100 or even to it. It’s the problems of an accumulated and unhealthy lifestyle that most people are wary of as they reach old age (if they do).
It’s time for you take healthy actions, so stop lying and respect your body.
Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness
bobchoat.com | optimallifeseminars.com