My 30-Day Review of the Soma Water Filter
Do you know that water is one critical key to optimal health and youthful aging? In fact, it is the foundation of living life with vibrant health and energy. I have been on a clean water filter quest for years. I had a list of features that I needed in a water filter hence the lengthy search. In fact, water is one of the very important topics that I cover in my books, speaking and media appearances because of its critical importance to disease prevention, healing and optimal health. This multi-year ‘journey’ has led me directly to the doorstep of the award-winning Soma Water Company.
I love this product for many reasons, so much so, that I decided to write a review on it (I very rarely write reviews on a product), thinking there are others out there that want the same thing I do..healthy water from a healthy company. As the New York Times stated about SOMA Water: “A welcome change to the status quo” and I agree.

Why is a water filter so important anyway?
Not only do I dislike the taste and odor of tap water, I also know, and more importantly, it is very unhealthy. For example, the chlorine that tap water contains kills the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Your gut houses a microbiome that is the core component of your optimal health. 70% of your immune system resides within the digestive tract, a lack of specific types of beneficial bacteria in the gut is a core component to weight gain as research now shows and if that isn’t enough..the neurotransmitters that facilitate a good mood or a bad mood are created within the lining of the gut are dependent upon a healthy digestive tract. Drinking chlorinated tap water kills the beneficial bacteria that are necessary for optimal health and weight loss and tip the microbiome balance in favor of the bad bacteria that wreak havoc with your health.
But is bottled water a better choice? Not always. Most bottled water is from tap water! Most do not realize this. You’re not only getting the toxins leaching from the plastic bottle (pure water?), but you are getting the freshest and cleanest water without toxins like chlorine, lead, selenium and arsenic.
The water that comes from the Soma glass carafe tastes delicious! Once you start drinking this water, you will want to drink more because it is so good. And those of you, like me, whose pets are part of the family can have purified water as well. My dog ‘Skye’ apparently loves this water as she too has started to drink more of it.
“Like Brita, but fitter” ~Wall Street Journal
The SOMA water carafe is very easy to use and is made of glass not toxic plastic! It is also a breeze to set up. Another feature I love about Soma water is the Filter replacement. They make it so easy for people like me who are very busy to have healthy purified water always at their disposal – a no-brainer. You never have to worry about buying filters again as SOMA will send you one every 2 months..
The cool part though? The design! I’m not alone in this; the business magazine FastCompany called SOMA water “The world’s most beautiful water filter.” Not only is it beautiful, it is highly functional. And Inc. magazine said “It’s purer than Pur, more elegant than Brita” The high accolades of Soma Water is what landed me right on their doorstep. There is so much to love about Soma!
In fact, Soma specifically sought the world’s top design experts including the highly renowned and regarded filter expert David Beeman who became Soma’s top designer. Mr. Beeman has over 35 years of experience and has designed filters for Starbucks, Peet’s and Keurig.
Soma use nature only to create clean water…no more plastics and petroleum leaching in your water. The use a catalytic activated coconut shell carbon that is naturally absorbant and this only means delicious and healthy water. The filter casing? It too is made from nature..plant-based materials as well.
The SOMA water carafe is very easy to use and is made of glass, not toxic plastic! It is also a breeze to set up. Another feature I love about Soma water is the Filter replacement. They make it so easy for people like me who are very busy to have healthy purified water always at their disposal – a no-brainer. You never have to worry about buying filters again as SOMA will send you one every 2 months.
Not only is it an elegant, sustainable product, Soma Water is also charitable. For every filter that is purchased, they give back to water efforts around the world – clean drinking to someone in need.
Soma Water is not only beautiful and can be color-coordinated to blend with your decor (no more hiding the water pitcher in the refrigerator), it is a healthy addition for you and your family for years to come. I feel fortunate to have Soma Water as my go-to water filter and I know you will to.
To Your Good Health,
© 2014 DLS HealthWorks, LLC.
Lori Shemek, PhD, CNC, health and weight loss expert is the best-selling author of ‘Fire-Up Your Fat Burn!