Get Outdoors into Nature for Both Mind and Body Health
While there are benefits of living in a major metropolitan area, especially for one’s work, there are also consequences that come with it. From noise pollution to air pollution, those that live in the city are being hurt both mentally and physically. Asthma rates have risen quite a bit in many large cities and especially those that live near freeways.
Stress levels are also quite high in cities. The fast-paced life doesn’t allow one to slow down. And even trying to rush to the gym and get a workout, while with some physical benefits, is stressful.
It’s important to take some time, even a few minutes, to disconnect from the “concrete jungle” and get into a natural environment. Nature provides the best of helping one to relax the mind and strengthen the body. Being in nature brings forth a more meditative state, including one of mindfulness.
I love all parts of nature and can spend countless hours observing and living in the moment. It allows me to forget my work and all the “I have too stuff” and simply enjoy the experience of the present.
You too, should allow yourself to experience those kinds of moments. If you live in the city, look for green belts or spaces. Those includes parks, nature preserves and gardens. I’m lucky to be in close proximity to various parks and nature preserves. I can go for a hike in hills within minutes of my house. Being able to see falcons and hawks fly overhead and other wildlife on the ground truly brings back my pure self of being alive.
Map out areas that you can get away to. When you do go, allow yourself to fully be there. Empty your mind of intrusive thoughts and simply experience the moments that nature opens up to you. Look at the colors, listen to the sounds, feel the air as it moves across your skin. LIVE!
And bring a part of nature back with you. Grow your own garden, even a simple one. You can even have a small water garden in a barrel, with a fountain. Enjoy that in your home when you are there and still, get yourself back into nature. By the way, take hikes and enjoy the physical activity that beats going to a gym. You’ll get fit physically and mentally through nature.
Cheers, Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness |