Change Your Narrative from Unhealthy to Healthy
My kid brother fell prey to the same story regarding health that my father had. In fact, he went even further and fell prey to the story what his physicians told him. He believed that he would die early in life due to my father and he believed that his genes determined his health condition due to the doctors. Both my father and the doctors fed his a bunch of lies and created a narrative in his life that was unhealthy. My father passed away over 30 years ago from the complications of a stroke and early in his life at the age of 39, he suffered his first heart attack. My kid brother is still alive, due to medicine. He had his first heart attack at the age of 39 and his second 10 years later. He also had a minor stroke.
I’ve always challenged the assumption my father made and the knowledge the physicians possessed. Sure, at one time, many came to believe that our genes determined our longevity. Even now, many in the medical establishment still believe this. Yet, the science of epigenetics has shown us that we can control how our genes are expressed. With the exception of a small percentage of our genes that are locked in place, we pretty much have control of the rest. And we do it through our lifestyle, the choices we make and the environment we’re in.
What we believe about health is a big part of how it all happens. It’s the story each of us tell ourselves, day in and day out.
Beginning right now, you can change the story that you were presented with early in life. If your parents and others you’ve been around tell you or have lived by, a story of being unhealthy, then all you have to do is simply change the plot. Sure, like any story, it can begin a certain way. Yet, as the hero or heroine of your story, changing the outcome is up to you. Imagine you as the character going on a self-discovery and finding out that through lifestyle changes, health can come into your life.
Your story has a beginning, middle and an end. What would you like your end to be like? What kind of middle would you need to ensure that the end is the way you want it to be? What characters will you need in support? What is the plot?
You have that power to rewrite your personal story of health. Make it something that true health and fitness comes into your life and those around you. Part of the story is that certain people also come into your life to help teach you, guide you, dispel wisdom so you transform into a person of health and will walk that path through all your days.
My challenge to you is start right now in creating that story. Change how you perceive the past as well.
Now it the time. I wish you a wonderful journey of health and fitness for the rest of your life and that you also influence others along the way.
Cheers, Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness |