15 Principles to Live By For an Optimal Life
I’m not sure that you are looking to live an optimal life. Though, if you are, there are certain principles that you should add to your life if you’re wanting a life full of vitality, health and fitness. Yet, it seems that the great majority of people are looking for some “magic bullet.” How do I know? All you have to do is to see the enormous amount of advertisements pushing them. There are fitness products, pills, potions, and so much more.
The truth is that you already possess all that you need to live a vital, healthy and fit life. We’ve all had it and just simply forgot or looked for the easy way out. While it may seem hard at the beginning, putting into action certain principles will eventually become easier. And you may even love doing them.
15 Principles for an Optimal Life
- Define what an optimal life means to you.
- Take small steps and increase them each day.
- Drop the sugar
- Get out into nature.
- Disengage from technology every once in awhile.
- Play more.
- Find work that you enjoy and do it your whole life.
- Get into fun exercise programs.
- Breath deeply and also meditate
- Love yourself by taking care of you first.
- Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.
- Learn something new everyday day.
- Eat healthy and closest to Mother Nature.
- Forgive more, including yourself.
- Live in the present.
While I gave only 15 principles, feel free to add to them. If you come across one that should be on this list, then please add them to the comment section below. Who knows, we may be able to reach to over 100 principles together! Thanks!
Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness
bobchoat.com | optimallifeseminars.com