Top 3 Super Grains For Optimal Health
Have you ever wondered if there were any other grains to eat besides wheat and rice? I have good news for you…there is! There is a world of relatively unknown super tasty, super grains that have yet to make their debut regularly to the dinner plate. The reason for this is that people either do not know about them or if they do, they can’t quite figure out what to do with them.
Super grains pack a wallop in terms of their nutrient punch. They are dense in fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants that not only protect your health, but can reduce inflammation as well.
My top 3 picks for super grains:

The Ethiopian grain Teff is the world’s smallest grain (so small it cannot be processed). It is considered a powerhouse of nutrition. This African whole grain is used to make spongy Ethiopian flatbread. It’s known for its sweet, molasses-like flavor and its versatility; it can be cooked as an oatmeal alternative as well. Teff is gluten-free and so a great alternative to wheat. Teff has twice the iron of other grains and three times the calcium.

Amaranth is another super grain that is extremely high in protein. Amaranth seeds, from the amaranth plant are very high in iron and calcium, and its fiber content is triple that of wheat. Amaranth is completely gluten-free and it contains three times more fiber and five times more iron than wheat, and has more protein than milk.

These large honey-colored grains are similar to Durham wheat. The large grains offer protein and important minerals making Kamut nutritionally superior. Kamut is considered a high energy food because it has a higher lipid profile. Kamut is a good source of selenium, an antioxidant mineral that may guard against development of certain cancers. The daily selenium requirement for adults is 55 micrograms and Kamut offers up to 90 micrograms per half-cup serving.
These grains will add more enjoyment and nutrition to your regular ‘go-to’ meals. When you see them at the grocery story, try them! They cook very similar to other grains you are used to and the best part? An easy path to better health.