Primary Care Starts with YOU!
Here in the United States there has been a debate regarding healthcare. With Obamacare now in full swing, there’s been a challenge in providing primary care physicians. Even hospitals have been opting out of the federal system as well as many doctors. I’m not sure what the future holds, but, there has to be a way of having better quality healthcare.
There is. It’s you.
The problem is that we’ve relied on the medical system to take care of us. We falsely believe that they will get us healthy when we are unhealthy. The truth is that pills and surgery is temporary. When we have a heart attack our body is broken down. It has reached the level of no health. Whose fault is that? Did the years of eating junk, no exercise, smoking or any other unhealthy thing you engaged in lead to that?
Primary care starts with you!
The kind of life you live has a direct affect on your health, good or bad. My brother has had three heart attacks and seeks to go the medical route in helping him get healthy. He still eats bad and doesn’t exercise. Yet, he blames circumstances outside of himself. He blames his genes and wants medicine to correct that. He is on a cocktail of drugs.
You should learn your own body. Be more aware of how it works. Doctors won’t know as much as you. The physical symptoms you feel should be jotted down. I recommend using a journal. Learn to eat healthier. Foods that are closest to Mother Nature are the best. The less processed, the better. Move your body more. Sleep 7 hours. Reduce mental stress. Shrink your waist.
In the journal, write what works and what doesn’t work for you. Notice all aspects of your body. When your energy is low. When it’s high. What happened before each time? Nutritional? Not enough sleep? Certain kinds of exercise (or no exercise)? Stress?
When you do all of this, you’ll have a resource that you can present to a medical professional (when needed). You probably won’t need to see one anyway. You will become more healthy and alive. Taking control of your health is true healthcare. Most sicknesses are preventable. Your actions dictate whether or not you’ll get sick. Choose actions that lead to positive health.
Cheers, Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness |