Family, Fun and Fitness for Thanksgiving
One of the challenges for many of us here in the United States during the Thanksgiving holidays in staying healthy and fit. I know that in holidays many years ago I would have stuffed myself until I couldn’t eat another bite. On top of that, I would have sat around the house or at a relative’s house watching holiday games. The problem with that is that we’d all eat snacks before the main course.
While it is good to have some fun time with family during this Thanksgiving day, it may not be the best for your health. One year I decided to take a long walk outdoors (and it was cold). My relatives came along with me. Now, this was early in the morning when we all went. We went to a park and watched the ducks in the lake. It was fun and none of us thought about food. We even got some exercise in as well.
Just because you may be at a relative’s house, doesn’t mean you should forgo your fitness (as well as eating healthy). We make adjustments and use the time and environment you’re in. If it’s taking a walk, then do it. Inviting others along adds to the fitness fun. In fact, they may realize they’re getting exercise. To them, it is simply a walk with family.
If you happen to be visiting relatives in the country where they still use wood fireplaces and have a chopping block for the wood, ask if you can chop some. If you’ve never done it before, ask them how. You’ll get some exercise in that way too.
Another way to exercise is to play with the kids. Fun outdoor activities can be added to the mix. The kids will have something to do and keep out of the kitchen. The adults that are not doing anything for the preparations should be outside playing as well. Again, more exercise disguised as play.
If it’s snowing, have a snowball fight. Or build a snowman. Be engaged in the outdoors and have fun. You’ll get fit and you won’t miss the gym. Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving folks.
Bob Choat

“Transformational Master Black Belt” America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness |